Shamba Kijiji Limited

Revolutionizing Africa's Farming

Shamba Kijiji is an Agricultural service provider operating in southern parts of Tanzania that supports smallholder farmers (with special focus on Women and Youth) to commercialise Agriculture and dramatically improve their livelihood.

While it is known that 80 percent of the Africa’s populations reside in rural areas and mainly participate in agriculture, they still can not sustain a path to prosperity.

We are tapping into all the proven techniques for crop production, accessing quality inputs, leveging on market linkages with alignment to the Gorvernment vision.

Shamba Kijiji

Revolutionizing Africa's Farming

Shamba Kijiji is an Agricultural service provider operating in southern parts of Tanzania that supports smallholder farmers (with special focus on Women and Youth) to commercialise Agriculture and dramatically improve their livelihood.

While it is known that 80 percent of the Africa’s populations reside in rural areas and mainly participate in agriculture, they still can not sustain a path to prosperity.

We are tapping into all the proven techniques for crop production, accessing quality inputs, leveging on market linkages with alignment to the Gorvernment vision.

Tones of Inputs Distributed
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Our Vision

We want to enable 1 million Farmers to modernize and commercialize their Agriculture activities by 2033.
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Our Mission

Is to equip Small Holder Farmers especially Women and Youth with quality Agricultural Inputs, Agriculture mechanisation solutions, and Climate Smart Agriculture Techniques to change each farmer’s livelihood. We are changing the Small Holder Farmer’s Identity and branding.

We Stand for

Our Key Objectives

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Enabling farmers to sustainably self Finance

Through a layaway model where SHFs pay Little by Little.

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Building reliable collective market linkages for farmers

Empowering farmers to reduce post-harvest losses and creating linkages to verified and proven off takers with farmers.

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Delivering quality inputs to farmers in the village

By delivering inputs to villages at the Hub that is within a 5km radius.

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Solving challenges for farmers affordably and smartly to improve yields

Providing free methodology training to farmers on best practices for weather and climate resilience techniques.